Sunday, April 5, 2009

Favorite New Top

Let's face it: I love to be comfortable. Seriously. Love. The Comfort.

And, I also love to look pulled together and cute, which can be difficult for a stay-at-home-wife because most of my day is spent, well, in the home. I can (and have) gone the entire day in my sweats, only to change just minutes before Matt gets home.

So, when I find a piece that is (a) soft and comfy; (b) cute and stylish, I nearly keel over in excitement. I purchased this Ella Moss top while in Seattle a few weeks ago. It looks great on and it's soft as can be. I know I will wear this all spring and summer, and therefore didn't mind the absurd price tag :)

I have no idea who this girl is...


The George Family said...

Ok, laughed out loud at this post, because I still totally have days when I will look like I haven't seen a mall (or shower) in a while only to hop in the shower, change, put on makeup and music before Bryan gets home... I feel much better about myself. Love the top! I love, love, love Ella Moss... they actually sell it at Loehmann's for a pretty decent price.

Lead Finger said...

Plus you've been saving all kinds of money on your groceries, so you might as well reward yourself!

Lizzy said...

So glad I'm not the only one that does that! Sometimes if I'm having a really pathetic day I'll even change from sweats to my gym clothes so it looks like my ugliness is due to my amazing workout I must've had. HA!