Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I have a confession...

... I love getting a bargain.  Anytime I can save money on something, I'm thrilled.  

But, I also have my staples on which I splurge: I'll literally show up to Marshall's wearing an outfit that could pay the rent just to save an extra 50% on an already reduced post-seasonal item.

My recent conquest to save money has been on groceries... learning how to effectively/efficiently comparison shop and use coupons- it's been a little stressful at times, but totally worth it!!  It's getting a little trickier now that we're moving towards organics.  But, I'm still doing well (and very thankful for store brand organics)... I spent $60 on our groceries today (it should last through the end of next week) when it should have cost around $80.

My favorite way to save money is at CVS.  I have been learning their customer loyalty program (aka: free card) for the past few months, thanks to some blogs that I now read daily (thank you, and Two weeks ago I got $9 worth of items for $0.09- seriously.  And this week, I got a big bottle of Head and Shoulders for $0.79 (it's about $6.75 regularly).

YES- I have boundaries for saving money:
1. It has to fit in the budget;
2. We have to have a place to put it; and
3. It has to be something that we can actually use (or donate to a local non-profit).


Kim said...

I love it!
Happy Birthday Roomie!

The George Family said...

I am doing the same thing with groceries- it is so fun for me, and usually I have to go to 4 stores to make it happen, but I really am saving money. And I totally feel you on the Marshall's thing- I always find myself looking through the clearance only and being seriously cheap- but one look at my outfit (and my son's for that matter) and people must think I am crazy.